I can't quite get my head round how much anger there is towards people who got furlough payments from those who kept their jobs... This year hasn't been a free year off for them. I know it's been emotionally and physically exhausting but please don't turn on other helpless people
For the record, I didn't get furlough: haven't had anything. But it wasn't 6 months off with loads of dosh and no worries for anyone: it was constant nerves, fear and a massive slash in income with no other options and no reduction in outgoings
And it's been really just as horribly hard in a completely different way for people who had to carry on working, often in unsafe conditions, in jobs that barely acknowledged there was a lockdown or ones that had way more pressure due to WFH
But for the love of god rethink any sentence you're considering that starts with "It's alright for..." Because it probably hasn't been. It hasn't been alright for anyone really, so don't fall for that divisive grass is greener crap
Get mad. But get mad at the right people.
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