“the labeling of humanitarian & civil society groups as ‘anti-Semitic’ looms as an inexorable outcome, now or in the future, of an ongoing & escalating campaign, embraced by Democrats and Republicans alike, which has weaponized combating anti-Semitism...” https://prospect.org/politics/weaponizing-anti-semitism-state-department-delegitimizes-human-rights-groups/
The purpose of this weaponization? “to quash criticism of Israel, attack progressive political actors and movements, and delegitimize civil society organizations.”
“Traditionally, ‘anti-Semitism’ means hostility and prejudice toward Jews because they are Jews—a scourge that has imperiled Jews throughout history, and is a source of resurgent threats to Jews today...”
“The IHRA definition, in contrast, is explicitly politicized, refocusing the term to encompass not only hatred of Jews, but also hostility toward and criticism of the modern state of Israel.”
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