seokjin's love and fondness for jungkook: a really devastating thread
seokjin grabbing jungkook's hands to slips a hot pack into it because jungkook was feeling cold 🥺
when jungkook got injured he made sure to take care of him, making little jokes to make jungkook smile and feel better
"... i will throw you into a fire pit in korea. of course, that fire pit is my heart..."
seokjin never got his eyes away from jungkook while they were performing, to make sure he were okay and smiling all the time
since the beginning seokjin knows that jungkook tend to be shy when it comes to talk to the cameras, but he always made sure to focus the attention on jungkook while making sure jungkook knew all of them were there for him
he even made sure to clean jungkook's forehead for him since jungkook couldn't do it by himself
even before he opened the door seokjin already knew it was jungkook and he opened with the biggest hug while happily said "jk!"... and jungkook's jin-hyung smile at the end 🥺
i mean, seokjin always knows that jungkook is the one who will opened the door... they have soulmate sense
seokjin even made sure to put "jk" and a little heart inside of the cup for jungkook 🥺
he always is holding onto jungkook to make sure jungkook doesn't fell
seokjin's "i haven't had this luck for a long time" when they ended being in a team together and his big smile... *crying*
he just can't hide his smile when he looks at jungkook
seokjin always calls jungkook "jk-ah, my pretty boy, honey bun, oongguk-ah, baby" 🥺
seokjin who in multiples times have said that he hates when people touch his face was batting jungkook's hand away but inmediately calmed down when jungkook softly said "jin my hand, my hand"... his jwekey is the exception 🥺
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