Entrance to the "scavi" in the 🇻🇦 Vatican. The ring indicates where the St. Peter square obelisk originally stood - in the center of the circus of Nero.

St. Peter died here and was buried at the road beside the circus - where Saint Peter's main altar stands today.
This is a very useful graphic - the original obelisk position is pointed out... the tomb was on the road immediately beside the circus - (where the main altar is now)
This is how the Basilica looked like before the time of Michelangelo (a bit like San Paolo fuori le mura) - note the obelisk to the left in its original position
This is the famous "raising of the obelisk" on Saint Peter's Square - watched by hundreds (hoping for a catastrophe, of course😀). The several hundred meters took from May to September, 1586. Imagine what a feat the transport under Caligula from Egypt to Rome was in 37 A.D.!
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