đŸ”„Exercise & education đŸ§”đŸ”„

Exercise & education have emerged as shining knights of rehab

Good for SRs, guidelines & saying 'evidence based' but are they just buzz words?

There are 3 issues IMO

1⃣How to implement?
2⃣Is it good for MY patient?
3⃣Efficacy vs effectivness

Does that mean any old exercise will work? I don't think so. Many times we have to change or adjust things because they have not achieved what we wanted them too. This might be the under discussed part of exercise in MSK

Is it good for my patient? Thats the tough bit! Research into isometrics has shown how variable outcomes can be to the same intervention/dosage.

A group mean may not represent what happens for MY patient with a standardised exercise protocol


So although exercise is 'evidence based'. Can we expect people to get an average outcome? How does this fit in with peoples expectations of treatment & recovery? Especially if they get an outcome that they did not sign up for

We also have the issue of efficacy vs effectiveness

A clinical trial that is used to inform guidelines may not suit the ability/lifestyle/motivation level of the person in front of us

What response can we expect once adjusted to the person?


So do we have more guidelines then guidance? Like patients, clinicians also need a path to change not just information to do so.

Behaviour change is not an issue just on one side of the desk

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