Rolling back accomodations and accessibility features which have helped people with disabilities - even if coincidentally achieved due to COVID-19 restrictions and regulations - is a form of discrimination
I wonder if @ShineLawyers would consider a class action of people requiring work-from-home accomodations to continue post-COVID-19?
WFH accomodations were never planned as an accomodation for disabled and chronically ill ppl. We only got WFH cos everyone else suddenly needed it during COVID-19. But rolling back achievable, workable accomodations for disabled ppl amounts to discrimination
If you have accessibility needs that require workplace accomodations and you don’t want to see the allowances you received during COVID-19 rolled back, you better start organising for a fight
1. Ensure your workplace knows you need those accomodations. Put it in writing.
3. Research anti-discrimination legislation in your state or country pertinent to workplace / educational accomodations.
4. Get lawyers and social justice orgs working with you
5. Organise. Join your union. Find other ppl in your organisation to join forces with to protect your rights at work. Cc. @unionsaustralia
You can follow @Asher_Wolf.
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