Banaru or Gwanara as usually being called is a community that'd been cut-off from other communities in not only Baruten but also d State at large. This's for no other reason than d 33Km major road that links d community from Ilesha-Baruba that'd been neglected for decades
The area has vast fertile lands that make it very unique for agricultural activities, grazing & bumper harvest of crops; both food & cash. Sadly, the bad road had devastated the people of Gwanara because; no buyer easily comes to buy their abundant produce, leaving the farmers &
... businesses over there unpatronized, essential services unavailable, smuggling activities through the Bukuro border thrives socio-economics bringing the socio-economic activities to comatose. Travelling to Gwanara is like travelling to hell, as the hardship that comes with it
not only tell on the passengers but also the vehicles& goods. These're just a few realities of that very important road that kick-started masses action against the immediate past political gladiators in the State that eventually lead to their extinction in d politics of our State
With a new dawn of this 33km road being constructed and even upgraded to an asphalt overlay, the impact that comes with it is huge. It will uplift the;

•socioeconomic standard of the people who are mostly farmers.

•Transport of essential services and goods will be a rebirth
•Anti-smuggling operations will improve by the security authorities

•Vehicular lifespan of transportation logistics would improve as well as a drastic reduction in maintenance cost by transport owners.
•The good road would also improve efficiency in terms of man-hour, turn-over, and attract investors to directly invest in the community already blessed That raw materials. That single road project will bring a touch of life to the community
•Improve revenue generation to Baruten (which is also the LGA with the highest IGR in the state).

•It will also adjoin the already cut-off Gwanara community to the rest of the State.
•Promote inter-state economic activities and facilitate trade between traders in Nigeria & their counterparts in the Benin Republic & Togo

•It may also hasten the completion of one of the satellite campuses of the Kwara State University, College of Agriculture in Ilesha-Baruba
The current administration in its strides to ensure dividends of democracy permeates nooks & crannies of the state is ready to knot the socio-cultural ties between Kaiama & Baruten local government people & Kwara State at large via the connection of the linkage road

Kudos to AA.
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