The word "lockdown" is really disturbing. San Francisco has essentially been locked down x 8 months. Testing is helpful but acknowledge limitations of each test. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (distance, masks, hand hygiene, ventilation) work.
and everyone has to decide for themselves their level of fear (I call it "strata of fear", stratosphere) which will determine what they do in terms of being with each other (e.g. is it more ethical to stay away from demented elderly relative or more ethical to see them with NPI?)
No one has seen a movie or performance in 8 months; very few things open (at least in SF) so lockdown hard. What you do to behave "ethically" towards family/friends should be a personal decision, right? The elderly, widows, orphans may be more scared of no contact than contact.
Not sure it is the role of a public health agency to tell me who to see and not see if I know how to exercise precaution. Frankly, I don't think there is a single person in the U.S. who doesn't know about non-pharmaceutical interventions. But if masks work to protect you
and, if you do get an infection but it is mild, the data is very hopeful on T-cell immunity with even mild infection. This is a weird virus and it is a weird time but all I can think of is that I need to see my 86 year old father soon as he is dear to me and I know how to keep
him safe. So, please please stop telling me what is "right" and what is "wrong" as life is a spectrum of moral decisions and me showing him love is not "wrong". Okay really sorry about twitterhea, but I needed to say this as I am so very tired of people saying lockdown.
and I am so tired of public health agencies yelling at people about upcoming holidays and how very dire and horrible it will be if you want to hug your mother. Masks, ventilation, hand hygiene, distancing into households when eating; testing if you can afford; please see mom.
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