I listened to Albert White Hat, Lakota, eloquently express a vision quest, he says lasted five years. It culminated with his acceptance of the brutality the Lakota suffered by the U.S. “Own your suffering, embrace it, then forgive,” he says. I forgive, but I’ll never ever forget.
I so desperately wish for an Lakota elder to teach me all that is teachable. I want to learn all that is learnable. Not so much for the sake of enlightenment, but rather for humility and a better understanding of my place in a chaotic world crying out for guidance and direction.
I seek intuitive knowledge, not to become more intellectually diabolical or evil than my adversaries. But to help me accept this fire of woe that burns inside me. I choose to embrace my generational trauma and learn from it. So I can heal. Then use it to help others heal too.
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