One thing I love about raising my own meat is that it destroys the fear of decay, blood and feces that we hear about with the heinous industrial system.

Fresh meat is clean, we gut the entire animal without puncturing organs. It’s a beautiful process to be close to your food.
I abstain from fake meats and heavily processed foods because they are nutritionally deficient, inflammatory, and full of preservatives and emulsifiers that destroy your gut lining. I don’t think people realize just how much worse these are for you bc of how they are marketed
They are two fold marketed - first as healthier and second as more ethical. The issue is that they are neither. They are just more products from the industrial food system, dependent on monocrop agriculture, pesticide, deforestation, devalued labor - and it goes on
We need to be able to distinguish things beyond fear. And the best way to do that is to have a relationship with the food you are eating. To recognize it all has spirit, that the nutrients you get have to first come from a functioning soil ecosystem on which we are all dependent
Everyone should make the best decisions for them, but the desecration of animal foods, animals who give their life to sustain us, says so much about our culture. They are not inherently unclean, decaying, or contaminated. reject this & call for the abolition of industrial ag
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