Hard for most poor countries to use Pfizer's or Moderna's mRNA vaccine that need a cold-chain to keep stable. Rich countries take complex logistical energy-intensive refrigeration for granted. https://www.wsj.com/articles/vaccines-are-chinas-golden-opportunity-to-regain-global-trust-on-health-exports-11605082819 https://twitter.com/JChengWSJ/status/1326736728246390784
4/ Poor countries can't build out a -70 deg celsius airport to warehouses to trucks cold-chain by snapping fingers. Poonawalla's big gamble to start mass manufacturing Oxford vax before Phase 3 results came out may payoff big time. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/world/asia/coronavirus-vaccine-india.html https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1292080218572820480
5/ RNA bonds are unstable at room temps, so the precisely folded mRNA Pfizer/Moderna vaccines needs to be kept at supercold @ -70C. Boltzmann factor (exp −ΔE / kT ) is thermodynamic reason no one had ever attempted mRNA vaccines before! (this is for the science literate ppl)
8/ This has been a great week of vaccine news. Many govts had incompetent public health responses. But had very rational & effective vaccine development response thats starting to pay off. End in sight.
https://www.ft.com/content/e5012891-58da-4a4f-8a05-182adf3ba0e2 ht @AnnaSophieGross https://twitter.com/UniofOxford/status/1324301267531956225
9/ "Defeating the virus, safely resuming economic activities & social life are achievable, but that depends on a safe & effective vaccine...
The right to vaccination is the right to life. It is the obligation of govt to guarantee vaccination of all" -Lula https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=pt&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.folha.uol.com.br%2Fequilibrioesaude%2F2020%2F11%2Fcarta-a-ciencia-e-ao-povo-brasileiro.shtml
10/ Moderna's mRNA vaccine is more than 94 percent effective! Unlike Pfizer's vax it doesn't require storage at supercold negative 70C temperatures but just -20C. Its distribution will be less of a logistical challenge. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/16/moderna-says-its-coronavirus-vaccine-is-more-than-94percent-effective.html
In a rational world, the brighter vaccine outlook should imply a drive to protect ppl from infection.
Ppl psychologically more likely to make short-term sacrifice w clear end in sight. Countries w surges should move to aggressive NewZealand/Aus/China style zero Covid policy now
11/ A lot — 2.4 billion doses to be exact — is riding on Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Phase 3 trial results expected soon. Teresa Lambe developed it way back in February! “The search for a vaccine took over my life. I’ve never worked harder.” https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03139-x
12/ A 1950s method for shipping frozen bull semen from the American midwest wasn't patented and is now a secret weapon for distributing the covid-19 vaccine.
Fascinating on Agribusiness driving tech transfer of Liquid nitrogen from rich to poor countries https://archive.is/CUVNx 
14/ Oxford-AZ vaccine is producing immunity, mild side effects! Results published instead of "science by company press release". It can be stored/transported in normal fridges. And ~100 million doses manufactured by end of December? Christmas come early. https://twitter.com/richardhorton1/status/1329340089701453824
15/ At $3, Oxford-AZ vaccine costs far less than Pfizer's (~$20) or Moderna's (~$35). The vaccine is already being mass produced in India & Brazil & can be stored/moved at fridge temps thus distributed using existing facilities. https://twitter.com/UniofOxford/status/1330769567409385474
16/ With 3 vaccines & more on way, the baton passes from scientists to govts & pvt firms to get them to people quickly, widely & with public legitimacy. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/09/19/the-world-is-losing-the-vaccine-race/

2021 mantra: “Vaccines don’t save lives: Vaccination does" ht @jasonlschwartz
19/“The vaccine will be made available across the UK from next week"!! NHS will put their preparations into action & begin delivering large scale vaccination of just approved Pfizer-BioNTech. Its stable for ~5days after being thawed. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-authorises-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine
20/ Terrific reporting on vaccine trials between China & UAE, Turkey, Brazil etc. Many countries have prioritized vax that don't need -70C cold chain & where they already have domestic manufacturers. ht @sciencecohen https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/global-push-covid-19-vaccines-china-aims-win-friends-and-cut-deals
21/ 86% efficacy of Sinopharm’s vaccine in phase 3 trials in UAE. Its now the 5th effective vaccine & the world needs them all! It uses a different technology from other four — an inactivated virus that doesn't require freezing — and easier to distribute. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/great-efficacy-claimed-another-covid-19-vaccine-one-china
22/ The 3 Sinopharm & Sinovac vaccine candidates are made from the inactivated virus. Its relatively simple, widely used & crucially can be manufactured in developing countries & doesn't need cold-chains. Phase 3 results pouring in https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6522/1263.full https://twitter.com/adam_tooze/status/1337500941948506113
On personal note, gotta pinch myself for doctors in family who get vaccines next week after just 1 mad stressful year. Their hospitals are giving them Pfizer-BioNtech in US, Sinopharm in UAE,Oxford-AZ in UK.
side-effects factsheet: https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download https://twitter.com/KrutikaKuppalli/status/1338225765511553024
24/ WHO "scheme to deliver COVID-19 vaccines to poorer countries faces a “very high” risk of failure, potentially leaving nations home to billions of people with no access to vaccines until as late as 2024, internal documents say." https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-who-vaccines-exclusiv-idUSKBN28Q1LF https://twitter.com/JustinSandefur/status/1339344675883413509
25/ More than 1.1 million people in 4 countries have been vaccinated. Amazing how fast its happening...
(bloomberg tracker:) https://bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/
26/ Vaccines don't save lives. Vaccination does. It requires a state to devote all its logistical organization capacity. GS reckons rich countries will vaccinate half their population by Summer 2021 & poorer countries by the winter. https://static.classeditori.it/content_upload/doc/2020/11/202011272325297636/GoldmanSachs-GlobalEconomicsComment_VaccinatingthePopulation_ATimeline.pdf https://twitter.com/RobinWigg/status/1338421870891294720
28/ Nice prevent-infections-&-vaccinate-rapidly strategy in Israel. Wish that countries' politicians had tried to science the hell out of virus sooner & chosen to stop infections w Taiwan/NZ/China suppression strategy instead of #FlattenTheCurve mitigation https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1292108347198627845
29/ With more transmissible UK variant having escaped to many countries, we are now in #viraltime where each day counts & delays leads to exponentially more infections/deaths. Vaccination campaigns require a war-footing. States knew how to organise this! https://twitter.com/JamesSurowiecki/status/1343954686106341376
30/ With the Oxford-AZ vaccine approved for use by UK regulators, a day to honour Prof Sarah Gilbert. Her team swung into action on New Years Eve last year while the rest of us were partying. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55041371
31/ Because first dose provides significant protection, UK's JCVI committee recommends prioritising vaccinating as many ppl as soon as possble, with the second dose up to 12 weeks later. Oxford vaccine logistically easier as doesn't need cold chain. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55280671
32/ Get a protective first dose out to as many people asap. Nice thread from an immunologist https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/12/virus-mutation-catastrophe/617531/ "Most vaccines induce stronger immune responses with longer intervals" https://twitter.com/sandyddouglas/status/1344949258483621888
33/ Best news of 2021: India approves Oxford vaccine! It has 50 million doses stockpiled thanks to Poonawalla's Serum Institute bet and vaccinations begin tomorrow. Global pandemic doesn't end until it ends in India, a billion opportunities to mutate... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/1/1/astrazeneca-vaccine-set-to-become-first-one-approved-in-india
34/ UK NHS ropes in 200 pharmacies for vaccinations 7 days a week 8am-8pm! Oxford vaccine's advantage of just basic fridges (2 to 8ºC) & not a complex -20C cold-chain means all those milk & soda chillers can hold 1000s of chilled vaccines & speed delivery. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/covid-vaccine-oxford-boots-lloyds-b1783819.html
35/ "Production of enough [Moderna] doses to vaccinate the entire world within a year would cost less than $4 billion"

Biden could scale-up production and at $2 per dose vaccinating planet would cost less than what US govt spends per DAY on covid relief https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/12/opinion/world-covid-vaccines.html?smid=tw-share
36/"If mass vaccination campaigns were able to vaccinate 1000s of people within weeks including in some of the poorest & toughest places in the world... we can do much better than we are now"
We must learn from poor countries; not catastrophise about them https://twitter.com/RanuDhillon/status/1350633619685994498
37/ There's a pessimistic vaccine consensus in press-
They’re not 100% effective;
Vaccinated people may be able to spread virus;
People shouldn’t change behaviour once they get shots.
Lots of experts see more grounds for optimism https://twitter.com/zeynep/status/1351208819892826113
38/ US now vaccinating roughly million ppl each day. It leads countries worldwide in doses administered. China & India's campaigns just starting. Logistical challenge of vaccinating a billion people is nothing less than a 'put a man on the moon' challenge. https://www.orfonline.org/covid19-tracker/
39/ Israel is in the middle of its worst Covid-19 wave with around 10% test positivity. Its covid endgame strategy of throwing all but the kitchen sink at the virus & its variants: lockdowns + #TestTraceIsolate + rapid vaccinations is working. Nice thread https://twitter.com/ariehkovler/status/1353775452830240770
40/ Ugly EU-AstraZeneca spat w UK in middle is reminder of unjustifiable Pharma patent regime. “The decision not to require the transfer of knowhow right from the beginning of vaccine development was a massive global policy failure" https://www.ft.com/content/8ee520dd-564b-47a3-932e-774c13dda185 https://twitter.com/stephenburanyi/status/1354912647012081669
41/ Its not just mRNA vaccine that is simple & cheap to make. So are other protein subunit & inactivated virus vax that have successful Phase 3 trials.
Ppl are dying & vaccine nationalism erupting coz of Global IP patent regime https://twitter.com/stefeich/status/1355452757902299138
42/ Don't underestimate how quickly the pandemic can end once a country actually tries to vaccinate all 60+ ppl. Israel's vaccination campaign went on a war-footing a month ago, and deaths are already down 100-FOLD! https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55706855 https://twitter.com/Birdyword/status/1356319727870730240
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