top 10 worst porn categories; a thread
ok so this excludes rp, cp, incest, beastiality and all obvious bad ones, also i am not ranking them lol they r numbered for neatness sake, some of these r jokes some r not,

read this in the burger king foot lettuce voice its funnier
1. any race/ ethnicity porn

okay this category is very gross, this category includes but is not limited to: latinas, black women + men, asian women + men ect ect,

if u watch any of these u r rly fucking weird why are u fetishizing a group of ppl?? for their ethnicity???
2. step- anything porn

what the fuck WHY DOES THIS EXIST !!! STOP IT !!! very much borderline incest and knowing this exist makes it rly uncomfortable for ppl like me who actually have step family,

if u watch this type of porn god (me) is judging u very harshly
3. adopted siblings porn

THIS IS SO GROSS AND IT MAKES ME VERY UPSET !! bc like if u watch this and ur excuse is "its not incest they arent related" u r saying that adopted kids are not considered real family to u and idk what else to tell u other than ur a horrible person
4. redneck porn

u see i didnt know this category existed until i saw a chart of the most searched porn in the U.S and kentucky and west virginia had it as their highest so if ur from kentucky or wv i do not trust u

i have nothing else to say other than seek mental help
5. teen

this crosses into the cp category but ill still talk about it, WHAT ??? THE ??? FUCK????? DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS BAD !!!!!! it is very very weird and i hope none of u watch this category but if u do go ahead and hard block me thank u
6. lesbian porn

unless its homemade its made for men and thats very gross like why, just why

watching lesbian porn is fine my issue is who its made for bc 9.9 times out of 10 its made for men and their very weird fetishes... moving on
7. bdsm where the dom is a cishet (white) man

it is very suspicious to me, very very very Very suspicious to me like sir why do u like whips and chains so much is there something ur not telling us..? 🤨 is this a more deep rooted issue??

i am Joking but i am also not,,,, ur sus
8. poop porn

this makes me want to gag... no if u watch poop porn unironically u need to be locked up immediately
9. clown porn

listen i am Not one to kink shame but really... are u.... um
i mean if it gets u off it gets u off but.... looks around nervously
is it the red nose that gets u hard?? or the big colorful clothes?? or the big shoes?? the clown car??
10. shoving things inside ur dick porn

.......... doesnt it hurt?
honorable mentions: feederism

no bc what the fuck even no edtwts worst nightmare no no no no
honorable mentions: amputee porn

honorable mentions: pregnant porn

why do u want to bang a pregnant person please explain ur reasoning quickly
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