i always come back to this song. a balm to any crisis. thanks @citizenstheband
I'm the worst person in the world at making "favorite" and "best" and "most _____" and other superlative type of statements. i just like alot of things for different reasons. so it feels weird to naturally say this might be my favorite song of this past decade.
i always come away from this song with a greater sense of understanding that quitting is not only not an option, but an illogical conclusion. when truth is understood rightly, every other thing that so easily led me to the waters of despair dissolves into obscurity
believing lies can feel like your thirst is being quenched. giving in to the thought that "all is lost" has its ability to be, in a strange and twisted way, satisfying. to feel trapped and hopeless, while terrifying, at the very least can feel conclusive, providing false comfort
but this song doesn't rely on merely saying the right theological thing in order to instill hope, it does something arguably more powerful, it assumes those claims--that Christ is bigger than the deepest moments of despair humanity faces, of which there are too many to count
it is one thing to say what you believe, it's another to assume it. ideally we do both. but if hope-in-God finds its way into my assumptions, what then can shake me? (matthew 15:11, romans 8:31, hebrews 12:28). saying it, then, naturally flows from my foundational assumptions.
this song really accomplishes that for me. it doesn't allow for atrocities done in the name of christianity to be the brush with which i paint the entire image. it points me to who Christ really is, the power of His Word, the realities of true repentance and forgiveness.
idk why I'm tweeting as if had a twitter presence worth reading. but if you are reading this, i hope it encourages you. go listen to that song.
i only have one critique and it's of the music video, and it's that i wish it would gradually fade from black n white to color, because that's what this song does for my faith and worldview--a spiritual color correction, a holy color grade. ❤
Love is patient & kind
it does not envy / boast
it is not arrogant / rude
it does not insist on its own way
it is not irritable / resentful
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing
but rejoices with the truth
Love bears all things
believes all things
hopes all things
endures all things
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