My uncle died a couple days ago. Collapsed dead at work. He was only 55.
My mom and aunt found out. They had us come to his place. To pick out whatever we wanted.
@AKBrews There was nothing really of value. I got a couple watches for my collection I need to get fixed. A bunch of tools. Some random things like drill bits, and flashlights, and bolts and knives.
@AKBrews He had a cat. A Siamese. We're the only cat friendly household in the family so I took the cat home. Figured we'd hold onto it and maybe adopt it out.
@AKBrews A man called while we were there. He introduced himself and told us he was my uncle's partner for 18 years.
@AKBrews He was "single". He wasn't out to us but we knew he was gay.
@AKBrews But he never came out to us. Never introduced us to his partner. But his partner told us my uncle would spend time with his family. I guess he just didn't want us to know or wanted his privacy, which is fine.
@AKBrews I asked his partner if they were married and his partner said no, my uncle would never do that. He died without health insurance and had he married his partner he could have had it.
@AKBrews His partner knew everything about us. He knew all our names, our partners. He knew about my wife's difficult pregnancy.
@AKBrews And his partner was concerned about my uncle's cat. He says the cat was my uncle's whole world. He loved that cat. So I promised him we'd keep it.
@AKBrews Everyone's shell shocked and my parents are hurt that there was this other side of my uncle's life he didn't share with them.
@AKBrews But I'm not hurt by that. I know my uncle loved me.
@AKBrews And we'll take great care of his cat. And every day she'll be a reminder of my uncle.
@AKBrews One of the problems with being human is we want there to be meaning behind death but there really isn't any. My uncle worked hard. Lived, loved, and died very young.
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