Pelosi and Dem leaders spent several years defending the idea that the key to replicating 2018, and winning swing districts, was a laser focus on health care issues, and to avoid conflict with Trump.

And they won the argument! Their strategy was universally implemented.
Then, the 2020 downballot races were a disaster, and Dems leaders' role in deciding messaging strategy was instantly forgotten by almost everyone. To hear it today, Dems spent months talking about socialism and police abolition.
DC Dems are suffering a bizarre collective amnesia, seemingly unable to recognize that they got to run the exact race that leadership urged them to run... and it failed.
It's the most transparent act of scapegoating. How could it possibly be that some 22-year old black activist in NYC is fully to blame for Dem losses, while the powerful party leadership, whose preferences were treated as unimpeachable wisdom, shares no blame at all?
Take a step back and it couldn't be more obvious:

Pelosi and Schumer preferred a low-conflict health-care focused campaign. They forced their caucuses to run that campaign, and the caucuses did.

Then, it failed, pretty miserably, with dire consequences.

Hold them accountable.
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