Some of the best gifts in life come badly wrapped. COVID-19 hit and I lost 164 speaking gigs in 2 weeks for 2020. But #COVIDClarity set in and I forgot what I lost and looked at what I could gain. I gained 400 zoom conferences. I lost late-night flights but gained Bikram yoga.
I lost 6am fights and gained the gym. I lost 150 nights in hotel rooms and gained my sleep routine back. I lost airport lounge meals and gained nourishing healthy wholesome food. I lost face-to-face workshops and gained a 23% increase in Real Estate Gym memberships
I lost irrelevant conversations with strangers on planes and gained significant chats with significant people in my life. COVID-Clarity Thank you! The life in front of you is more important than the life behind you. It’s time to write a new story - you are the BOSS of your life!
You can follow @tompanos.
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