. @joannaccherry is on form here questioning @KishwerFalkner in her pre-appointment hearing for Chair of the @EHRC on the necessary enforcement of the rights of women:


But @KishwerFalkner will have a lot of work to do to get the @EHRC back on track to firstly, get its own house in order in terms of knowing what Equality Act states are the protected characteristics:



...particularly when the @EHRC, in the candidate pack for the job of Chair, couldn't even state the protected characteristics correctly:


And secondly, issuing robust statutory guidance for everyone else to follow so that women's rights are protected and made clear.

I have a list of over 200 organisations, charities, companies, public authorities, etc that have issues with their equality monitoring.

Language & meaning of words are important & proper use & understanding of terms is vital so that public is aware of what rights they have & what an organisation's duties are. Any confusion or inconsistency over meaning may prevent people from accessing their rights in law.

Will @KishwerFalkner be disappointed to find that, out of a total of 44 government ministerial and non-ministerial departments, not one of 35 advertising vacancies uses the term sex in their equality monitoring, but all use the term 'gender'?


Gender is not a protected characteristic and is not defined in the Act: sex is.

Will @KishwerFalkner undertake to investigate this, find out what has gone so badly wrong and take urgent steps to correct the @EHRC and the government,...

...issue strong guidance to ensure women's rights are properly upheld, take appropriate and much needed enforcement action to ensure women are not erased or forgotten and ensure their rights to single-sex spaces is upheld and strengthened?

You can follow @Sexnotgender_.
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