Call me crazy, but I strongly believe Trump is pulling an AMLO (Pres. of Mexico) circa 2006: 1) claim widespread fraud (w/o proof) and contest the results through legal means and mass protests; 2) get support from as many GOP incumbents as possible; 1/3
3) leave the WH before inauguration and fail to recognize President Biden, calling him illegitimate; 4) stage a fake swear-in ceremony (Mar-A-Lago?) and call himself the legitimate president; 5) do mass events throughout the U.S. mobilizing supporters to prepare a 2024 run. 2/3
Sounds far-fetched, but I truly believe everything is possible at this point. Also, keep in mind that Rudy Giuliani, who advises Trump on all kinds of batshit crazy ideas, was hired by then-Mexico City Mayor AMLO as security advisor, so there's that connection. 3/3
PS. For a more detailed account of AMLO's strategy in the aftermath of the 2006 Presidential election, see this great thread by @davidluhnow 👇🏽
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