I am tired of the type of less explicit transphobia where cis people see transness as a Last Resort to be tried only after we've tried leaning into gender, being gender non-conforming, losing weight, treating our depression, doing yoga, and saying fifty Hail Marys
The kind of allyship that "respects our pronouns" but would rather a thousand trans kids go through the wrong puberty rather than a single cis kid call themself trans for a year before changing their mind
The type of cis ally that would rather all of us go through the years of depression that I did than a single cis person have to stop and ask themself "wait, AM I cis?" for even a moment
I once had a cis parent ask me how to talk to their trans kid about the fact that hormones "wouldn't fix everything"

I had to explain that when I asked my doctor for depression medication I expected it to help my depression, not my knee pain, & that doesn't make the medicine bad
How many of our "allies" see our existence--our revolutionary and often joyful existence--treated as the "last vaguely acceptable to suicide, I guess"? How many of us have had to work through that ourselves to find our truth? I know I fucking did.
This is getting RTd a lot so, hey, cis people, tread gently because I've had An Evening on here and have a block list that hungers
"Yes queen! Live your truth! Just don't you dare try calling yourself trans before you're at a point where you're terrified you're too old to transition and don't you try to help younger trans people find themselves or I'll call you a radical cult leader!"
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