The framework was always clearly designed to open businesses and keep them open over the public health of Ontarians, and it was a lie to say otherwise. Anyone who defends its highest thresholds should be held to account. Bravo to the people speaking on the record about it.
The people of Ontario should be livid. Doug Ford’s government chose to let hospitals be overrun, to let long-term care residents die, to let the virus run wild so people could go to restaurants and bars and whatever else. The mayors who lined up behind it deserve similar scorn.
There are so many good people working their guts out trying to protect the people of Ontario. That this government chose the easy path, the cheap path, the anti-science and anti-public health path, isn’t surprising. This should be remembered for a long time.
By the way, Dr. David Williams should resign tomorrow. He should have resigned months ago, but now's the time.
While we're there, who moved the thresholds from the PHO recommendations? Who reset them comically high, and who approved them? Because it wasn't the science table, wasn't health measures, wasn't Public Health Ontario, and wasn't the health command table. We deserve to know.
Because someone took scientific recommendations and just jacked the sliders. Only two Ontario jurisdictions had hit in 100 cases per 100,000 per week in the entire pandemic. And 10% is the virus out of control. It was immediately and clearly a plan for businesses, and only them.
And when @celliottability said, "Our COVID-19 response framework was developed in consultation with the chief medical officer of health, the public health measures table, local medical officers of health and other health experts," those were prepared remarks. Not off the cuff.
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