Feinstein had a Chinese spy in her inner circle for decades. Adam Schiff has ties to the Standard Hotel/Ed Buck and told us the Ukraine transcript lie. Bill Clinton has direct ties to Epstein, completely fucked up the mission in Mogadishu, and failed to get Bin Laden. Hillary...
.... has the most crooked and sick Foundation on the planet. Put a hit out on Ambo Stevens, and deleted 30k emails from her private server. Obama (the self proclaimed no scandal President) was not born in this Country. Was involved in the Fast and the Furious gun running ring...
... allowed the death of Seal Team Six during Extortion 17, covered up Benghazi/Stevens, has deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, funded and then failed to destroy ISIS, and was the ringleader of Spygate. Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine, and Hunters laptop proves many more shady..
... business dealings with China. Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld all covered up or were directly involved in 9/11. And all three put us into endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan costing hundreds of thousands of lives and countless billions of dollars. Stryzok, Page, Lynch, Comey, Yates...
... Ohr, Clapper, McCabe all were involved in Spygate and the Plot to overthrow a duly elected President. Factor in Hollywood and it’s ties to child exploitation, The Vatican and it’s known issues with priests molesting and raping children, plus Huma Abedin, John and Tony...
... Podesta and many many more. NOW do you understand why this has taken so long? Now do you understand why Biden HAD to win this election no matter the cost? Now do you understand what Trump has been up against for four years? Not to mention the constant media barrage all day...
... every day. Trump had to lose this election. They fear exposure above all. But guess what? Trump and the Alphabet Team had EVERYTHING figured out. NOTHING was missed or left to chance. Trump one day very very soon will be recognized as the winner of this election. And when..
... that finally does occur, I suspect that’s when the Storm truly hits. That’s when we get the Tweet and the Ten Days. Keep watching and enjoy the show. But stay alert and get prepared for violent unrest. Remember “All assets deployed” and “Win at all costs” doesn’t just end...
... when Trump wins. They will reactivate what’s left of their ANTIFA thugs on the ground. The goofy left wing nuts will join in and we will have a very serious problem on our hands. That is until Trump enacts the Insurrection Act and the NG swoops in and cleans up the mess in...
... one fail swoop. Above all else, LISTEN TO WHATEVER THE PEAS (Presidential Emergency Alert System) TELLS YOU TO DO. Remember that this message will come directly from POTUS and you need to listen to what it says. The end is near. But it’s not here yet. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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