Dear international friends, let's talk a little bit about Spain's history:

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA terminated President Carrero Blanco and set Spain for the New World Order.

Let's do this!! 👇👇👇
In 1972, the CIA targeted Carrero Blanco as he was a major impediment for Spain to transition to a Democratic regime.
The lower note from that page indicates the CIA saw Spain as a strategic country from a military point of view, as it could help improve the relationships with Western countries and serve as a counterweight to Eastern Europe, then controlled by the Soviet Union.
Let's head back in time:
Once WWII was over, most of the german scientists had to look for a new place to live and work. Some like Otto Skorzeky, LeĂłn Degrelle or Willy Messerschmitt ended up in Spain.
Photo: Fraga visits a very sick Skorzeky.
Some very powerful weapons were created and tested at Costa del Sol (Málaga). Two german engineers, Knoh & Mueller, developed a big rocket named KM2. Franco witnessed back in the day all these tests… While he made everyone else believe he was out fishing instead.
The rocket these german scientists created was controlled by radio and was attracted by electrical vibrations of planes or the magnetism of the closest mass.
Apparently, a reason why Franco was developing a nuclear program was –apart of getting Spain banned from the NATO– to become the first country in Europe to have nuclear capacity and relocate the country on a higher rank of importance, after a very painful and critical Civil War.
Having nuclear power available, could also make Spain put some real pressure over his eternal enemy: Morocco and Magreb. In 1951 the Nuclear Energy Board was created in secret to kick off the project and develop a wide arsenal of weapons.
General Juan VigĂłn started the program, but after his death in 1955, the man who ended up in charge of the whole project was none other than Carrero Blanco.
In July of 1955, Spain signs with the United States a nuclear cooperation accord. The 27th of December of 1958, Franco and Carrero Blanco inaugurate the "Juan VigĂłn National Nuclear Energy Center" in Madrid.
Spain could self supply with uranium from the mines, as we its the second European country with natural reserves of Uranium.
The US Secretary of State traveled to Spain in 1973 alongside the CIA Head of Operations William Nelson. They both had interviews with Franco and Juan Carlos I, the future King of Spain. Later, the two visitors would meet Carrero Blanco.
General Franco had divided his political powers between the (future) King Juan Carlos I and the Prime Minister Carrero Blanco. Juan Carlos was never considered important on the leadership circles but the closer we got to Franco’s death, the more importance he earned.
Juan Carlos always stated that he supported a liberal political change allowing left parties to come in again (with Franco, Spain was extremely conservative, hence why it progressed so much in almost every field).
Admiral Carrero Blanco was absolutely against making any concessions to the left parties. They were not only responsible of the Civil War but also refused to accept their defeat, which lead to many more people dying because of their stubbornness.
Kissinger already had the CIA reports with the evidence that the Government was developing a nuclear weapon alongside France, which Carrero Blanco -in the interview– confirmed ‘Spain deserves to have an important role’.
The US Secretary of State replied: ‘when Spain is important, Spain is dangerous’. And less than 24 hours later, the 20th of December of 1973, President Carrero Blanco was murdered after a heavy explosion blew his car.
The location of the assassination was less than 200 metres away of the US Embassy in Madrid. The public responsible for this act was the domestic terrorist organisation named ETA.
The dinamite ETA was using back in the day had nothing to do with the one used for that attack. The explosion was way more powerful and the crater on the street was bigger than nothing they’ve ever used before. The explosive used was C4, only used in the “Armed Forces”.
Blanco's assassination, together with a sabotage of the facilities, put a bold stop to the Spanish nuclear project. Not much later, Franco would die as well.
Kissinger himself told a representative of the Spanish Foreign Ministry the following: ‘I don't want it to sound brutal, but one less hindrance to the opening of Spain and, as deplorable as a murder is, truth is that ETA has done a great favor.’
With only the "new" King Juan Carlos I on charge now, the countdown to a democratic regime started. And in 1977, Spain saw the first elections were people was able to vote.
In 1978, after the first elections and the legalisation of the Communist Party (the only country in Europe that allowed this), the democratic courts worked to develop a constitutional text which was signed in a Masonic Lodge.
In the advent of democracy, the United States made Spain sign a treaty to limit nuclear energy. Every nuclear factory was dismantled after that and Spain eventually entered the EU and the NATO. Back in the 70s Spain was the 8th best military and economic structured country.
The Democracy also brought to Spain more than 20 years of socialists governments after many, many elections which allowed the New World Order to access the country and dismantle everything related to culture and identity. Spain has been for 40+ the globalists playground…
…all thanks specially to the socialist party (PSOE) who eventually returned to power and drowned the newest generations with ideology, hatred and division while being supervised by every external enemy. Spain never had a true Democracy but a PARTYcracy:
A 40+ year old now regime where only two parties, PSOE (socialists) & PP (right-conservatives) would govern. Both sold to the Globalists agendas. Every election has been an absolute fraud and the citizens were taught through the MSM that there was no other alternative to this.
There's many ways of creating a tyrannical regime. Not always comes with blood. Sometimes, the illusion of free will and distract the people making them fight each other is everything you need.

Now you know how it started.
Now it's our turn to #SaveSpain

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