Y'all. Algorithms are WILD af. #CodedBias
You can't question a computer, but the computer mistakes are justified because of efficiency. This is criminal. This is LITERALLY criminal, and fundamentally unethical.

I want to know how economics and related fields addresses AI Bias and Ethics. Who's doing this work?
@mathbabedotorg just made such an important point: the next frontier for AI is HR in companies and man oh man amidst a job crisis, this work is going to be CRITICAL.

This is also the kinds of question I want to ask about to. Who's doing this work so far?
Another question I have is do the people in economics that study/develop algorithms sit in econometrics? What sub-field is addressing this because the implications, especially in hiring and criminal justice are damning? I know about @jenniferdoleac are there others? #EconTwitter
People forget that @jovialjoy is a PhD Student. No one can tell me that I can't make an impact as a student. She is literally changing how our country approaches AI.
@jovialjoy is one of the most amazing people on earth not just because her work is brilliant but because she breaks down what she's doing so seemingly.

If you're in data at all, you need to follow her yesterday. #BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
@merbroussard breaking down that the types of AI there is and basically she says that AI boils down to math. #BlackinMathWeek @BlackinMath #BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
Wait....MATHEMATICIANS started AI? Somebody say sike. Also @merbroussard is out here speaking FACTS:

Our idea of intelligence comes from a very small and homogenous group of people. Where is the lie? I can't find it. #BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
It is completely wild to me that people really green lit facial recognition systems that only work super well on one demographic. And then those same people said lets sell this to police departments and airports.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
@mathbabedotorg is a badass. That's it. This is the quote:

"Mathematics is a shield being used for corrupt practices."

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
Algorithms are about power. It creates an asymmetrical power situation. - @mathbabedotorg

You know what is wild is that the same people who retain the power to enact algorithms are the same people who have the code. #BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
Did y'all know in London the police use facial recognition in the streets... WITHOUT telling people... and then make stops based on the algorithm?

Just wild af. Shoutout to @BigBrotherWatch based in UK.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias @BlkInData
Again, why are algorithmic systems that CLEARLY don't work most of the time being used to make ARRESTS?

These systems are and are going to harm Black and Brown people disproportionately.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias @BlkInData
@zeynep speaking facts: big tech companies are using all the data from all social media accounts to predict human behavior, and that is dangerous because NO ONE knows how and why it works.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
So, according to @amywebb, AI is being developed by 9 companies, 6 are in the U.S. and 3 are in China. A

nd its being developed for to help firms increase their bottom line or mass surveillance, e.g. China.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
Basically if you thought capitalism was bad then AI is about to take that to a whole other level. Nothing about how AI is being developed has a droplet of democracy in it.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
What scares me is how AI is how its being used in decisions we don't see... like who gets into college, who gets a job, who gets credit, etc.

These are the kinds of algorithms I want to study and unpack.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias @BlkInData
Why are people assuming that algorithms coded by one demographic, privileged white guys, is sufficient for everyone else? It's because power across multiple fields is still concentrated amongst that one group.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias @BlkInData
Let AI be a textbook example for us that when one demographic has too much power, the rest of us suffer.

There is literal evidence that diversity => innovation. AI being absurdly white and male is just that: absurd.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
"The progress that was made under the Civil Rights Act could be rolled back under the guise of machine neutrality." - @jovialjoy

Tech companies release #BLM statements and then whisper "but not for machines though".

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
Hey does anybody know if @JoeBiden @Transition46 have a technology focused team as part of their transition because the lack of policy around technology will be the death of civil rights.


#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias @codedbias
We are volunteering information about every aspect of our life. I wonder if there's a world where tech companies can't track us but we can still use their products.

#BlackInDataWeek #BlackInDataJustice #CodedBias
@codedbias @BlkInData
Ending our live tweet session #CodedBias with a viral moment where @jovialjoy testifies in front of congress #BlackinDataWeek #BlackinDataJustice @BlkInData @CodedBias : https://twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1131564370524299264?s=20
Key takeaways from #CodedBias:

1) AI could erase the progress made in civil rights
2) Data is undeniably powerful and in the wrong hands, dangerous
3) We need policy that centers justice and regulates technology yesterday

Thanks for tuning for #BlackInDataWeek @BlkInData!
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