My take on the Pentagon: Trump fired Esper because he wanted to take back the spotlight Monday when all media attention turned to Biden. He didn't count on or care about other senior officials resigning in protests.

When the openings came about, he did what he has done for the past 2 years: he replaced them with loyalists, in part because no sane or competent person will work for him!

There is no grand plan. If you read Mary Trump's book you understand how damaging the concept of losing is for Trump. He's very damaged from his childhood and will do anything to avoid it. But he lost decisively and he will be leaving.

No grand plan - just all that is left around him are sycophants afraid to tell him the truth in a way he can receive. Everyone who could have, has been fired or resigned.

As far as broken norms, the pace is trickling now. I am writing them all down. But we are just in a countdown. With or without his being mature enough to concede, he will be leaving January 20.

Finally it is not worthwhile or helpful to construct or spread conspiracy theories. That's something we leave for the MAGA crowd. Be loud in demanding he concede because he lost, but it is damaging to our cause and the truth to construct tales that unnecessarily paralyze in fear.
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