You know what feudalism is? It’s where Theres this jackass that lives in this castle. With allllllll his family and friends. He has got the EFFING LIFE! Now he needs to make sure he keeps this life he has. So he needs to be fed. He needs clothes. 1/
He needs horses. He needs water. He needs alcohol for parties! Oh he’ll need stuff for parties! But where will he get all this crap? Hmmmm he needs people. I mean he ain’t finna do it he important man. He ain’t gonna get his fam to do it. Gotta find people. Hmmmm But who?
Ohhhh he gets you! I mean you can’t live in the castle with him and his people. I mean unless you’ve got money to pay to party. Do you? No? No gold? Ok. Well uh can you blacksmith? Make like some horseshoes? No? Well you could have got in the walls that way. Hmmm
Ok what can you do? Nothing? Oh well I’ll tell you what. The jackass in the castle has a big ol army! And you don’t wanna get killed by some barbarians. He gonna make you a deal. You work his land and you give him bread and wheat and shit like that and you can keep some of it.
And maybe not get killed by barbarians. Sound good? Oh you want to buy the land? No no no no that can’t happen. That’s the jackass’ land! You think he’s gonna sell that land to you, Nah that’s his land. Oh you don’t like that hut you’re in? Eh sorry you can’t build bigger.
That’s his land. No no no you can’t get a castle. lol theres only one castle. Not two. Then everyone will have a castle! Lol Nah you work his land and you keep a little to eat. He’s such a generous jackass. Letting you eat his food you grew. Oh you want to be a something else?
Like a blacksmith or a cobbler? No. He already have one. Don’t need two silly. But what he does need is someone to grow food. That blacksmith will be a blacksmith. That cobbler will be a cobbler. No movement up! You stay a farmer.
Oh you heard a myth about a land where anyone can go from being a farmer to owning their own castle? No no no. That’s a myth. Can’t do that here. You’re a serf! You are a cog in the Jackass’ machine!
You see, you think you’re on a island but no this land is unlimited. You could leave if ya wanted. What you don’t want to? You’re scared? Oh because you don’t have weapons, yeah that sucks. The jackass took them away. Yeah you used to could have those.
Not anymore. So you stay right here. Farm in your hut. Forever and let the jackass protect you. From barbarians, plague, and hunger. I know you think theres hope by yourself, but again that’s a myth. Just impossible now.
See that’s you. The cog in the machine. The serf in the hut. Working for the government for the food you make! That’s what the Democrats want! Everyone vassals dependent on the jackass in the castle. But you don’t live on an island. You don’t need the jackass!
You can leave! Build your own castle! This is America. Not feudal Europe. Don’t be a serf. -end
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