Nothing will come of this
Or not. 1. Abortion I'm pretty much pro choice. After 6 weeks though I believe it should not be aborted.
2 the lgbt community is honestly arse. Some of the most reprehensible human beings I've ever met. Some ruined my life.
I'm bi so I'm basically Hitler to those people.
Polyamory isn't a word.
I'm in favor of non monogamy but every time I've seen it tried or attempted it myself it failed. So it's probably not really possible.
4 Camgirls I have no real opinion on. I guess if they want to degrade themselves to eat that's their choice. I've never found them to be worth watching thats for sure.
5 Twitter is a fucking cesspool. As soon as it goes subscription only or prevents all anonymity I'm out. I'm only here to kill time
6. Kpop was a mistake. Pure and simple. The idol companies mistreat their talent and I'm fairly certain there's human rights violations going on. Meanwhile the fans are fucking batshit and believe they're gods that can do no wrong. Not.
7. Furries. I more or less classify myself as a furry. I enjoy the art at least and years ago was a member of second life until I realised how [redacted] that was.
I'd never wear a fursuit. I'm not an animal. I'm a human being, though some days I wonder if I even qualify.
I missed non binary. Shit. Well rewind I guess. This is well I'll likely piss many off but this isn't really a thing. Everyone is male and female to some degree and to claim you're in between like 50/50. Well it's just not possible. We're all built differently.
9. Gun laws. I'm in favor of guns. I think the government are absolutely corrupt and the final bastion of freedom is the right to bear arms against a corrupt state. I think they're trying to repeal it so they can make sweeping changes with no opposition.
10. Integralism. What a joke. I'll say this now. The catholic church should not be allowed to have power over the daily lives of anybody. We give religion far too much power and I firmly believe we'd be better off in most cases without it. It should be a value system. Not power
11. Joe Biden.
What can I say? He's soft on China, he's pro UN and pro WHO. I suspect he's answering to someone else and I pray the American public don't let that gun bill through. I think he's being manipulated into power to make his bullshit seem more reasonable against Trump
12. Adultery is a joke. Why is it illegal? Because of the churches. State and religion are too closely interlinked. If he wants to fuck another woman, you screwed up. I don't believe people can just stay with one person forever though. Seems ludicrous. It shouldn't be a crime
13. Rape. Hoo boy here we go. So I'll tell you right now. We women call in false rape all the time. We might regret it and decide that it made us uncomfortable after the fact. I know people who have done this. Actual rape isn't okay but what constitutes "rape" these days changed.
14. Pedophiles. I'm about to alienate all my friends. I have nothing against them. I pity them even. They're treated like shit for something they can't control
They're still human Until they cross "that line" they should have the same rights as everyone else (except around kids)
15. Drag queens are fine. I'm not a fan of the mardis gras. Kids often attend that and then you have grown naked men exposing themselves in all sorts of sexual conoitation as the public looks on. The Mardis gras used to mean something. Now it's kinda degenerate. Ngl
16. Capital punishment. I'm in favor of. There's not enough room for all violent crimes offenders but I believe you should have to have done something heinous. Like raping and murdering several children. Or killing people in sadistic cruel ways. Totally beyond redemption.
17. Donald trump. Well he's a moron. I think he bought too far into the American dream propaganda of the 60s and had stayed there ever since. I don't think he's malicious. There's certainly worse presidents than him. Bear in mind he didn't even want the job. I don't respect him.
18. Modern architecture is neat. I like post modern a bit more but there's definitely something to be said for rustic or more classical gothic styles too. I like art. If the architecture shows creativity who cares how old or new it is?
19. Another contentious issue. I think he duped the American public. He wasn't good for the country. Had quite a lot of people killed on his say so. He wasn't beneficial to the black community and Aaron Mcgruder emphasized why so damn well.
I think he was worse than Trump
20. Rape in marriage can be kinda hot but obviously only if it's consensual. At that point I guess it's not really rape tho. Rape in marriage is not something I agree with personally. It's a big reason I'm not the biggest supporter of Islam as a religion. Rape in general is no go
21. Anime was a mistake. There's some good shows but I don't think of anime asa medium tbh. It's all just animation to me. Deathnote was a good show. Same as firefly bojack, the expanse, TSCC, jericho were good shows. I think people get way too much into anime and should chillout
22. Hentai porn is home to some very interesting fantasies. My personal favorite being tentacles. That being said porn addiction of any kind isn't healthy and I believe hentai is one of the more egregious examples. Your imagination runs wild and animated drawings can do anything.
23. Pansexuality. Another issue I'll piss people off with. In my day it was called bisexuality. I don't see the big difference between the two. You like both sexes, good for you. But stop giving it a fancy label please.
24. Public breastfeeding I'm in favor of. It's a necessity for the kid, women shouldn't be ashamed of their breasts and in my experience no one is watching and whacking off to a mum feeding her bub. I see no problems with it whatsoever. It's natural and should lose the stigma
25. Cultural appropriation in my day was called appreciation. Exploring cultures besides your own and learning from them. Borrowing what works and cutting what doesn't. We all have different ideas and environments. The notion that it's racist to learn from and use these is a joke
26. Fake freckles. This is a thing? I can't believe people would be so vain as to paint on-- actually no I can. We out way too much emphasis on looks and not enough on health these days. News flash. Beauty doesn't always mean healthy. You can fake a lot of things and cover up.
27. Femboys are fine I guess. I prefer my guys a bit more masculine. Astolfo is a stupid character. Fite me. I dislike how the PC crowd are trying to get the word banned for isms and -phobia, when it doesn't pertain to a fucking thing they're talking about. It's moronic.
28. Fascism. Does it really need to be said? Pushing your ideology forcefully onto a people, subjugating their will and holding them at virtual gunpoint because they hold the wrong opinion is a big nope. Fuck China. Fuck Antifa.
Live and let die.
29. N***** Going to lose a lot of followers. The only reason I don't use this word on twitter is because I'll be banned. I dislike the notion of words holding such immense power over anybody and I use it to describe stupid people who piss me off, regardless of their skin colour.
30. He/Him lesbians.
Definition of lesbian: a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women : a gay woman.

Lesbian is used to describe the relationships and activities of gay women, and the organizations or publications intended for them or created by them.
31. Internet culture is a mistake. Plain and simple. Cancellation is a joke and everyone is way too overly sensitive and paranoid now. I believe that during their formative years, kids should be kept away from the internet.
Otherwise you end up with... 76 different genders.
32. Neopronouns. Honestly, the human condition is complex enough. Giving people what essentially equates to the McDonald's of "individualism" feels like a bad idea. There's already more than enough actual atrocities in this life to get offended over.
You're a human. Get over it
##. Han unification I don't know enough about. It seems to be a standardization to make the language easier to parse through. I know there was a lot of political contention around it but most cultures eventually are lost to history. It's a universal constant. I'm not against it.
34. Tattoos. Follow the 5 rules. Otherwise I don't really care. I'd get a small one on my wrist if I had any pain tolerance. They're not like piercings.
35. John McAfee. I don't believe anything he says. He is part of the 1 percent. He's fried his brains doing every single drug known to man. Absolute mad lad. Hilarious to observe. That's about it.
36. Body positivity is another universal joke. People are being cancelled for promoting health over "inclusion"
If you're being given advice on how to lose weight, it's because people are worried about your health, moron. It's not because they're trying to shame you as fat.
37. Free Speech. I dislike the notion that words have power over people. That being said, there are many weak willed individuals. If you're not forcing your beliefs down another's throats, you should be able to say whatever the fuck you want with no fear of repercussion
However, you also have to accept the consequences of how someone might react to that. I believe anything that encroaches on someone else's right is not okay.
Most of the time though, people should mind their own fucking business.
38. Feminisim is not what it once was. Back when I considered myself a feminist openly, I thought it was about equality. As time has gone it's just been about other women in that time of the month raging about problems that are largely non existent in comparison with 15 years ago
39. Meninism. What? Is like Men going their own way or some crap? I think men cop a lot of crap. They're the most prone to depression, and I think they could do without being dumped on all the time. There are definitely good people in the population. Female too.
40. Nick Land. Genuinely dont know that much about the man. Accelerationism is a bit of a grey area I can definitely see the thought patterns that would lead one down that path but I think it's ultimately a zero sum. Just powerless people lashing out at the fact they're powerless
41.Nationalism is a crock of shit. The idea that you should stick by your country no matter what heinous things they do defies logic. Extremism like always is the issue here. Nationalist fanatics cause a lot of problems. Personally I hate my government and my fellow countrymen.
i skipped or added a number. fuck.
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