Design ∩ Code Systems: Curating a thread on a topic I’m really interested in. Tools that blur the line between designing and engineering. Hope you find something inspiring here:
Starting this series with Baku’s GLisp editor — A Lisp-based design tool that bridges graphic design and computational arts. It is a polished product that shows the power of having linguistic abstractions juxtaposed with an interactive design space: 
It is bloody awesome to see him use this tool to build programming visualization environments. This is the 🔥 energy:
Now for madman @neauoire’s Ronin:  Each tool built by @hundredrabbits is worth checking out. They have this aesthetic that transports you to a parallel world that coexist with ours. They are pushing the boundaries of art and trailblazing a way of living.
A tool that caught my eye when exploring this space lately is @impraxical’s Libfive — It is a solid modelling tool with a Guile Scheme based code editor that is suited for parametrized / procedural designs: 
Plotdevice by @samizdatco is a Python-based design ∩ coding tool that combines geometric shapes, typography, freeform Bézier curves and images. These can then be exported as images / animations: 
René by @jongold is a design tool with which one can declaratively describe styles and explore their space of permutations: 

The rationale for its design can be read in this post by Jon:

Thanks to @maxkriegers for the recco.
This is a blast from the past: Quartz Composer was such a fun nodes and wires environment to do design + coding work in. Pierre–Oliver Latour ( @swisspol) made this tool inspired from Miller Puckette’s music synthesis environment Max and Apple acquired it:
One slick environment in this category is Protoboard by @szymon_k:

Szymon makes a lot of other cool experiments and if you are interested in this space, you should definitely checkout his other stuff:
Cables ( @cables_gl) is a tool for creating high end real time interactive graphics in a node-based editing environment: 
Paper.js (used to be known as Scriptographer) by @juerglehni and @jonathanpuckey is an amazing Javascript library for creating canvas graphics. It has a sketch environment to debug drawings. It unlocked a special wave of creative stuff during 2010s: 
Shade is an amazing shader editor tool designed by @twolivesleft and @johntwolives. It has some pretty sweet interaction design: 
One of the cool spin offs of Quartz Composer is Origami. Brandon Walkin ( @bwalkin) and team took Quartz Composer from where Apple left it to a refined product that allows for prototyping interactions for mobiles and desktops: 
An environment that started out as a Javascript animation library but transformed into a full blown prototyping environment is Framer built by @koenbok, @jornvandijk, @benjaminnathan and team: 
Macaw ( @macawco) by @attasi, @megapixel, @gesusc, and @btj was a design tool built circa 2014 that enabled visually coding websites. The app was discontinued once the team joined Invision but it was a product with an interesting design direction: 
What if you could describe your software without using text but gestures that describe the behaviours? DeepUI took a bold move in this direction. The environment hasn’t shipped yet but it was a daring take on what it means to develop software:
Engare is a design oriented game made by @bahrami_

Though not exactly a design ∩ code tool, it has great in-game pattern generators that exhibit machine/visual language duality. Lot to learn from this when creating a design ∩ code tool:
Nodebox ( @nodebox) is a node based environment for generative data / interactive visualizations: 

This people generator is an interesting application of it:

h/t to @tautau_co for reminding me.
Matt ( @mattdesl) is one of my favourite generative artists and he has produced a slew of great art and software products over the years. Here is him testing out a new environment for his canvas-sketch toolkit:
Sketch-n-Sketch by @ravi_chugh, @brianhempel, @jplubin, @NickMCThree, and @MikaelMayer is a direct manipulation programming environment for creating HTML/SVG documents. It is a pleasure to watch them continuously improve the tool for the past 5 years!:
Nodes ( @nodes_io) by @marcinignac, @dmnsgn, @nicknikolov and their team @variable_io is a visual programming environment for creating generative graphics and web applications: 
vvvv is a node based visual programming environment initially made by @mesounimpressed that allows for rapid prototyping to final production: 
A great entry in this category is PANE by @qualmist. The choice of going for the dual of data flow paradigm with functions as edges instead of nodes makes it an interesting design ∩ code environment:
Cameron Burgess’ ( @supercgeek) and Maayan Albert’s ( @maayan_albert) Stamper is a pretty cool environment for doing processing visualizations with structured code editors called “stamps”:
Another really cool tool in this space, I got notified of recently while running this thread is Vuo. Hat tip to @Bodys0ulspirit for this one. It is made by people who used to make some kick ass plugins for Quartz Composer:
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