Trump's attacks on the integrity of US elections is not ad hoc chaos. It is part of a plan from in 2016, when Putin expected Trump to lose to Clinton, but do as much damage as possible.
This time, Putin expected Trump to win, but the Dems surprised him by wisely selecting Biden, not Sanders or another far-left candidate. (And Covid happened.) Now it's back to Plan A, weakening trust in the system, but from a far more powerful position.
It looks ridiculous on its face, a president and other elected officials waging war on the system that put them in power, but the hypocrisy is irrelevant. Creating a generation that doubts the system can ever be fair is the goal.
As I wrote early and often about Trumpism, such people want to detach their followers from shared reality. They will be the only ones who say what is true, even if that changes every day. Blatant lies are a show of power.
They will say what they are doing is legal, even when they know it is wrong. They will say it is their right when they know it violates the spirit of the law and every democratic norm. They see the greater good as for the weak.
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