It is time this nonsense was debunked and debunked consistently. If you understand that collective blame is wrong when it comes to a group of people who might share only the one belief - 'There's no god but God & Muhammad is his prophet' ---
---you should be capable of understanding that collective blame is wrong when it comes to people who might share no beliefs at all but just have the same skin colour or genitalia.
If you can understand that the belief that all Muslims have been socialised into a misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic & terrorism-supporting belief system is bigoted & denies individual agency to reject all of those things---
---you should be able to understand that the belief that all white people have been socialised into a system of white supremacist beliefs & all men into a violent & abusive masculinity is bigoted & denies individual agency to reject all of those things.
So, yes, a random Muslim individual should not be expected to apologise for a terrorist she never met & consider herself complicit in the social system that produced him but neither should anybody else. We are *all* responsible only for our own beliefs & actions.
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