Lebanese-style pita is so utterly superior to every other form of bread that there surely is some foul play involving French baguette cartels preventing it from becoming ubiquitous. It's like how dictatorships persist in the world despite the obvious superiority of democracy.
Pita doesn't give you heartburn like all the insane varieties you find in Western supermarkets, it is twistable into many shapes for efficient scooping, and it is thin so has much better ratio of food to bread filler. Pita has your back.
Also any form of bread that cannot be shaped into a form conducive to being filled with shawarma and falafel is not worth the wheat or multi-ancient grain nonsense.
The only other bread that competes with this in versatility is fresh Egyptian pita from the subsidized bakeries but it’s unlikely that Sisi’s reach can allow for the export of this unique Egyptian experience
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