what we mean when we say “consent is enthusiastic, voluntary, informed, reversible, and coherent” ⬇️
consent is enthusiastic! this means that in situations where consent needs to be given, anyone involved has to WANT to give consent!
consent is voluntary. this means that consent is done, given, or acting out of one’s free will.
consent is informed 💡 conversations about what people are and aren’t comfortable with is an important part of consent. have those conversations!
consent is reversible 🔁 just because they said “yes” earlier, doesn’t mean it’s still a yes. consent can be taken back at any point. (and just because they said yes once before, it’s not to be assumed they will say yes every time)
consent is coherent. if someone is incapacitated, in and out of consciousness, passed out, or sleeping, they cannot give consent.
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