Flat wages in the last 30 years in the West have decimated the car scene.

It used to be that even normies would buy a sports car in their youth or as a treat, leading to a healthy and accessible second hand market and tons of sporty models from car manufacturers. (1/?) https://twitter.com/mikurubaeahina/status/1326569031793520643
Of course, with the rise in housing costs and no real gain to incomes, literally everyone I know, from retail workers to young professionals, are driving hand me downs and econoboxes over 10 years old. (2/?)
Prices of 2ndhand sports cars have skyrocketed. Sports cars are available on the new market, but they’re out of reach for the young worker.

Teens coming up still lust after the same 90s JDM gear which is rapidly becoming too expensive. New cars aren’t even a possibility. (3/?)
We’re told that manuals don’t sell and sports cars are a difficult proposition due to limited buyers.

You genuinely think every hot blooded 22 y/o wouldn’t buy a screaming red two door if their graduate jobs paid well?

Instead they’re terrified they’ll never own a house. (4/?)
If wages had risen in line with productivity... I almost guarantee you we’d be frothing over S17s and fourth gen MR2s and who knows what else.

You’d still have to pay through the nose for an S13 but it wouldn’t *matter* because there would be other options. Glorious, no? (5/?)
@RoadandTrack @Jalopnik @CARandDRIVER been pitching this around the traps; hit me up and let's tee this off
this blew up! scope my wrenching adventure on classic Subaru <3
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