My covid vaccine story:

In July, I read that Dr. Fauci was concerned we might not have enough volunteers for coronavirus vaccine trials. So I went to the NIH website and hunted down contact information for Moderna.
I emailed the manufacturers headquarters, which is a little unorthodox. I also searched for the study sites and contacted them individually.

A few weeks later I got a phone call and I was screened as a participant in the healthy volunteers group.
Thankfully, my risk profile was pretty high and that helped me get in.

I’m the only parent, so I shop, I travel, and I have teenagers. The teenagers put me over the edge with the screener as high risk. Which was prescient, as you’ll see.
I had my screening visit, I got my two injections 28 days apart, and I recorded all of my side effects and reported my health in the app.

If I had any side effects, they were mild. I didn’t even have a sore arm after #2 but I don’t know if I got the vaccine or placebo.
The weekend before Halloween, my 14 y.o. son hung out with some buddies at a friends’s house to play basketball and he was exposed to Covid. Two days later, the mom from that household tested positive.

Two days after that, my son had a headache and a fever of 100.5.

This is it.
Every day after that, he got a new symptom. Sore throat, stuffy nose, then loss of taste.

I called to make an appointment to be tested but they recommended I just assume he was positive and isolate him as he wasn’t in a high risk group.
He was masked and kept separate from us from the moment he got his headache. But I’m his mom. I’d been around him for four days not knowing he was exposed. And even masked, I couldn’t avoid caring for him, he’s my kid.

So I waited. I thought my throat or head would hurt.
But nothing. I have no symptoms. My younger son is militant about distance and germs and he doesn’t either.

On Monday, the news about the Pfizer RNA vaccine trial came out.

The Moderna trial is a very similar RNA vaccine.
Do I know that I got the vaccine? No.

Do I think I did? Yes.

Do I think it works? Absolutely.

We all want our old lives back, we want people to stop dying from this disease. I believe hope is coming. I believe there’s light at the end of this tunnel.

That’s it. ❤️
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