What causes the divide between the early stage and metastatic breast cancer communities? I'll put my thoughts in the comments.
#advancedbreastcancer #metastatic #stage4needsmore #dyingforreaearch #dyingforacure @METUPorg @metavivor @AMJohnston1315 @jenniedale24 @ChefGeib
I think in the early stage community moving on from cancer and not focusing on it is celebrated as the healthy thing to do. Staying in cancerland to advocate may seem like a negative or unhealthy choice.
Also some early stagers live in denial about the possibility of recurrence and don't want to be reminded of the possibility. However, if a cure or better treatments were found it would be so much better than denial. #dyingforacure #dyingforresearch #stage4needsmore
Also i think some doctors do not tell patients they could recurr, so the genuinely think they're done with cancer. I've met several who were never informed of the chance of recurrence
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