If it wasn't so serious, this would just be LOL.

Russia: I see your 90% effective vaccine & raise you 92%.

This is what they've done & why it's such a problem .... 1/4

...They looked at 20 people sick with Covid-19 & said vaccine 92% effective. Safety remains❓16,000 have had both injections. But no protocol available, so robustness of their research is a worry. Here's some of what I said about their earlier results 2/4 https://absolutelymaybe.plos.org/2020/09/11/phase-3-results-in-sight-for-some-while-one-vaccine-is-put-on-hold-covid-19-vaccine-race-month-9/
... Now consider the difference with the BNT/Pfizer vaccine. As I explain at WIRED, the protocol of their trial came under heavy criticism for originally planning to have a formal interim analysis when 32 people were sick with Covid-19... 3/4 https://www.wired.com/story/the-latest-covid-vaccine-results-deciphered/
...Someone said to Reuters: "What is missing for now is an analysis of statistical significance." But difference that massive is surely 'statistically significant'. See ⬇️ That doesn't solve the bigger problem: will results of this trial be reliable? 4/4 https://absolutelymaybe.plos.org/2016/04/25/5-tips-for-avoiding-p-value-potholes/
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