I hate today. Not because it's Wednesday, though that particular day of the week has little to recommend it in general. I hate it because it's Veteran's Day.

I'm a veteran. I'm not a hero. I'm not a prop for politicians. I'm a person who did a job once for a few years.

There are hundreds of thousands of us. People. People who committed to serve the nation. People who are daily failed by the nation they committed to serve. Veterans are still one of the highest suicide risks. Veterans are still dealing with an underfunded VA.
Veterans are still homeless in large numbers. Still suffer from PTSD. Still only a miniscule portion of the multi-billion dollar budget the armed services receive. And yet every year, all anyone wants to do is talk about honoring us.
I don't want your honor. I don't want your thanks. To borrow a phrase from @Stonekettle, I didn't do it for you. I did it for my own reasons. Instead of mealy-mouthed platitudes, how about you call your Senator and your Congressperson and you demand veterans get SUPPORT.
A well funded VA. Proper health-care for service related injuries. Proper mental health care. That's what veterans need. Not your thanks. Your action.

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