Who would have thought that using or Saying "P*GGERS" is racist? A thread:
History. (1/2)
P*ggers/P*g/P*gChamp all originate as an emote used in popular video gaming streaming platform, Twitch.
The image that goes along with the word is photographic evidence from an Asian-American content creator known as Ryan Gutierrez, AKA Gootecks.
History. (2/2)
The word comes from a board game called Pog, where Gootecks once dominated all other competitions and became the "pog champ".
Twitch's second most famous emote is a black man with a beaming smile.
Users often use this emote in a racist way as well.
Racism. (1/2)
Digital yellowface is an issue that is frequently ignored in the online worldscape.
This staple in streaming culture is extremely harmful to every single Asian-American who is subject to witnessing its use.
Racism. (2/2)
Their ethnicity being used as a tool for non-POC speech is nothing new and people are sick and tired.
Unbelievable. (1/2)
Your beloved phrase used to dehumanize the Asian American community in moments of non-POC joy or enthusiasm has extreme racial undertones and is not only unconsidered, but it is also directly damaging the livelihoods of those who are deeply affected.
Unbelievable. (2/2)
In the future, if you need to use an emote at all, choose one that matches your own race.
The cultural appropriation is showing and glowing when you violate these guidelines and marginalized communities around the world will thank you for your consideration.
Do you use P*ggers?
You can follow @YanqeeM.
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