CubaBrief: Bacardi environmental stewardship recognized while Castro regime's rum maker harm's Cuba's, yet a travesty continues 1/
Despite the Castro regime's poor record on environmental stewardship and overall terrible record on human rights the United States in 2016 stripped Bacardi of its right to the Havana Club brand & turned it over to a company of the Castro dictatorship. 10/
"The Trump administration should reverse that action & demonstrate to unscrupulous foreign companies the grave risks to economic deals w/ a regime that has stolen billions of dollars in properties from Americans & Cubans, & thus stop dishonestly enriching the Cuban govt." 15/
Business Insider on October 28, 2020 broadcast a podcast on "Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba" that explored the company's history back to Cuba's colonial period under Spain in the 1870s. 17/
Emilio Bacardi, son of 1 of the 2 founders of Bacardi, Don Emilio Bacardi, "was a field officer for Gen. Antonio Maceo in 1895 during the invasion of Cuba by independence forces, & reached the rank of colonel by the age of 22," according to his @NYTimes obituary on 10/16/72. 18/
As well as images of Ernesto "Che" Guevara walking in Madrid & attending a bullfight with members of Franco's secret police. 28/
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