I think some clarification is in order about the Clearwater deal.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm aware, there are four kinds of FN fishing: commercial, moderate livelihood, ceremonial, and sport.
Bands coming together to buy out Clearwater doesn't really affect moderate livelihood, ceremonial, and sport fishing, per se.

In fact, that whole deal was in the works for months before any of the violence even began, so it's hard to draw a straight line from one to the other.
Which is to say that it doesn't really address the problems that grassroots people are bringing up regarding our inherent and treaty rights.

That's not to say that buying Clearwater won't have an effect. I think it will, but it will be indirect. Breathing room, maybe.
As always, there are some people on here who know a lot more than me about this though, so if my analysis was off anywhere, please do let me know.
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