So I've stupidly misinterpreted twitch's affiliate requirements, and I thought after 7 streams the Treasure Room would be eligible, but I actually need to run a stream 7 days within a 30 day period. Because of TR's schedule that won't happen by itself, but-
I was thinking of doing streams on off weekends and a couple during the week to fulfill that requirement. These would be streams where I work on the visuals for the next show, talk with chat about future stuff, and if there's interest mayyybe some games?
Lemme know what y'all think!! I'm open for ideas as well
And a big thank you to everyone's current support for Treasure Room! Every other requirement, (follow count, average viewers, simultaneous chatters, etc) is crushed, thanks a fucken million I really really appreciate it.
You can follow @ascii_dragon.
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