People are talking a lot about Photos, but they missed the Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Jamboard files will all start counting toward your storage limit.

These were all previously zero-rated.
This is FUCKING fascinating since Docs, Slides, and Sheets are not file formats in their own right, and there is zero portability unless you turn it into a non-Google format.
There are A LOT of photos, but they're all (usually) in highly portable formats like JPEG, GIF, PNG, or HEIC (fuck you webp).

But anything in the Docs/Slides/Sheets...not quite the same experience.
Docs/Slides/Sheets _do not exist_ outside of Google's ecosystem.

Sure, you can download a Slide as a PowerPoint file, but it's not a 1-to-1 comparison, and some features may not transfer.
I was literally typing this point out, but they said it better:
You can tell how big a .docx is because of the way it is.
You can tell how big a Google Doc exported into a `.docx` file is, but is it being exported efficiently?
I can't speak to the underlying tech, but it wouldn't be efficient to keep everything in a traditional file format on a drive.

They keep it all in data/blobs in a database.

How do you even export that for user consumption?
I've done the Google Doc -> Word Doc in the past, and fam. It Ain't Great™️.
Anyway, I don't have solutions yet, but I'd love you to signup for Escape from Google. I'm launching in December, and we're going to journey getting Google out of my life (and yours!). 
You can follow @killedbygoogle.
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