Thread, repeating it after blocking someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth and facts of the matter...
1/ In 1974, just days after Tricky Dick Nixon resigned, Gerald Ford, then the president, pardoned him. It was known as a "blanket pardon", pardoning any and all crimes he
2/ committed. Not long after that, an angry BIPARTISAN Congress (yes, the GOP had some sane, intelligent and reasonable people back then; not so now) went about writing a law that changed the pardon rules. The law was vetoed by Ford but Congress overrode that veto. The GOP then
3/ challenged the law in Federal court. Two years later, a Federal appeals court ruled it Constitutional, saying that it was a good compromise. The changes the law made start with no blanket pardons. There must not only be Federal charges, but a conviction/guilty plea, as well.
4/ The next change is that the defendant isn't eligible for a pardon until FIVE YEARS after said conviction/guilty plea. That's why, when Herr Drumpf tried to pardon Joe Arpaio and Dinesh D'Souza two years ago, two separate Federal judges quashed them because they hadn't
5/ satisfied the five-year rule. Another change was judicial review; before the law, pardons could be written nearly at any time and for any reason. Arpaio, btw, got his pardon a year later because he had satisfied the five-year requirement. However, D'Souza was upset because his
6/ conviction came in 2016, meaning that he isn't eligible until next year. He was rooting for Herr Drumpf to win because Drumpf would have written him another one. Another reason that pardons are important is because of what I call "The O.J. Law", where convicted criminals are
7/ disallowed from profiting, in any way, from their criminality. A pardon makes that law a moot point. You may have noticed, earlier this year, that Roger Stone's conviction was "commuted", to time served. The problem with commutation, however, is that the conviction stays in
8/ place and so does the OJ Law. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen: with the First Crime Family's "exit strategy", they can't be pardoned. They can have their sentences commuted, but that requires conviction(s) and/or guilty pleas before that can happen. Also remember that the
9/ President can only pardon for FEDERAL crimes; state crimes come under the purview of the governor of the state in which the crimes were committed % the defendants convicted. Since the Trump Crime Family faces criminal charges in New York, only Gov. Cuomo can commute or pardon.
Damnit, Jack Dorsey.... EDIT BUTTON "...committed & defendants convicted."
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