If I may expand a bit: findings indicate an anomaly in results for the proportion of Trump-only versus Biden-only votes in a given precinct, versus the proportion of straight-ticket GOP versus straight-ticket Dem votes in that same precinct. They analyze hundreds of precincts... https://twitter.com/mmaschin2/status/1326610823964454912
...in several counties in Michigan.

What you'd expect to see is that these proportions would be pretty consistent. And, indeed, in heavily-Democrat Wayne County, they DO appear consistent (and they indicate, incidentally, President Trump was more popular than the GOP there)...
...In contrast, in several counties with strongly Republican precincts, the data show that, basically, in precincts where the percentage of straight-GOP votes exceeds about 13% of the total number of straight-ticket (GOP plus Dem) votes, all of a sudden...
...the proportion of *only-for-Trump-and-not-any-other-Republican* votes (as a percent of the total number of *only-for-Trump-and-not-any-other-Republican* votes plus *only-for-Biden-and-not-any-other-Democrat* votes) starts falling--and falling steadily,...
...along a straight line that has the SAME angle in EVERY GOP-heavy county the scientists studied.

The track of that line means that, paradoxically, the MORE voters (as a proportion of total straight-ticket voters, GOP plus Dem) voted for the straight GOP ticket...
...the MORE only-for-President-and-no-other-candidate voters (as a proportion of total *only-for-Trump* plus *only-for-Biden* voters) voted for Biden instead of for Trump.

That defies logic--especially when compared with Dem-heavy Wayne County, where that DID NOT HAPPEN...
...Not only that, but the slope of the line is the SAME in EVERY one of these counties. And the point at which the line starts downward is the same.

That consistency, too, is highly suspicious--in both ways.

The most logical explanation:...
...Is that:

1) The "Willie Sutton rule" was applied, and to mine votes away from Trump and for Biden, manipulators went to Trump-vote-rich areas.
2) An algorithm was used in electronic voting/data systems. The existence of such "weighting" algorithms has been PROVEN...
...Incidentally, it was PROVEN by the DEMOCRAT, Bennie Smith, among the scientists here.

The evidence is compelling: INVESTIGATE!! And DO NOT CERTIFY results UNTIL investigation has been completed!
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