This morning as I had coffee & prepped for this year's unique Veterans Day events, one of the first emails in my inbox declared "Abolish Veterans Day." I went on to prep my day & reflect on those I've served with over the last 26 years.
Yes indeed, war & military endeavors over our nation's history, including our post-9/11 wars, have been truly complicated. War is always & forever story of loss, tragedy & failure to resolve conflicts through all other means. And too often it is a story of atrocities.
Each Memorial Day, I've shared my views of the complex moral landscapes of the war I've participated in. In writing, in public talks, in personal reflections. Memorial Day for me is an annual reckoning with our tragedies, suffering, sacrifice, and moral injury.
Many veterans struggle with the "thank yous" that come on Veterans Day. The free meals, shopping discounts & commercialization of a national gratitude that doesn't feel on the mark, or beyond a surface-level dismissal of what veterans experience on behalf of our nation.
But "Abolish Veterans Day" - esp coming from someone who hasn't served or taken part in our veterans community - misses an awful lot. This thread is my response to that idea.
This morning I had the incredible honor of recognizing a 100-yr-old veteran for her service as one of the 1st Black women in US Navy WAVES during WW2. Military service is a way of serving & belonging to this nation. For all her hardships, we celebrated Katherine Horton today.
I am continuously awed by so many who have served & continue to serve. Folks who've overcome barriers & personal hardships even just to serve. The core of military service I believe is that ethos to take part in something greater. Something we believe in enough to get out & do.
To dedicate a national day - Veterans Day - to recognize & celebrate the individual determination & dedication to military service I believe is worthy & important & needed. It's a day to connect with those who've come before us & those we've served with.
You might not know this about me, but I truly genuinely love @UnitedWarVets's NYC Veterans Day Parade. To me, it's like homecoming, where I get to hug & celebrate & cheer for veterans old & young. We march, we drink, we share stories. Nothing else matters - nothing divides us.
Veterans Day celebrates us as individuals - it's where I hear from old comrades, where I see friends proudly honoring their family members who served. Amid all the reasons why we have to keep fighting for better policies - it's a day to just celebrate us. It's **our** day.
I also like that many folks get the day off for Veterans Day. A huge # of veterans work at USPS & other govt offices closed today. It's a perfect day for reflection & celebration, however we choose. For me, even though I'm typically working, Veterans Day is better than Christmas.
It's been a tradition these last few years to do a 12-hour day at NYC Veterans Day Parade then go to Times Square Applebees for free meal w/ other vets. It may be tacky, but I've taken such joy in it. We aren't solving all our problems, but it's a day to smile & be together.
I've really needed Veterans Day. In this era of contentious political division, I've found humanity & healing in camaraderie w/ veterans of diverse views. On Veterans Day, we come together as simply veterans. I've never felt this kind of unity even in my military experiences.
Seriously, I LOVE Veterans Day. It keeps me going through the tough, complicated work throughout the year. Thank you to all the veterans in my life - YOU keep me going. Take some time to celebrate US today, even if we can't be together at the parade this year.
In the year-round fight for better policies, I'm so proud & honored to get to work with so many inspirational & badass veterans. All of this thread by @AN_Goldstein:
I am also so very proud of @TheRealFitzNYC who is out marching w/ veterans right now & who has led @NYCVetsAlliance Mutual Aid efforts to help veterans most in need in NYC throughout the pandemic:
I am truly proud of @JeremyButler01 & all that @iava continues to push at the forefront of advocacy for veterans. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now if not for IAVA & founder/force-of-nature @PaulRieckhoff. Here's IAVA's latest:
If you're not already on board with @MinorityVets you should be - this is a tremendous new org that is on fire & growing fast. Tune in for their summit that's happening online tomorrow:
Another org to follow & support is @BlackVetProject - they're bringing forward stories that need to be heard & fighting to uproot the legacy of racism in our military & in veterans spaces.
When I celebrate Veterans Day, it's not to ignore the complexities, tragedies, or losses--or a celebration of war. It's recognition of service to our nation. It's seeing love of country in each other, despite our differences. It's recognizing how far we've come as a nation.
So fine if I get an email from a provocateur saying ABOLISH VETERANS DAY on one of my favorite days of the year. I still celebrate all the veteran leaders who are serving in so many ways to make our military & nation better. Happy Veterans Day, everyone. Make it yours.
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