Kowloon has a varied, growing portfolio of games, but you may not have heard of us, or know how we operate. Why?

Part of this is intentional: We believe developers should be the ones getting recognition for their games. 1/15
That being said, we also want you to know we are an option for funding your game! ✨

So, we're taking a moment to share why we feel it’s so important we (generally) stay in the shadows and let our developers take the spotlight. 2/15
Traditional business models and practices prioritize publisher brands over the creators’.

Publishers with distinctive and well-known brands *can* help devs find specific audiences and maximize visibility. But, there can be drawbacks. 3/15
For long-term stability and sustainability, we believe developers need the opportunity to establish and build their own brands and communities. 4/15
This is where Kowloon is different from publishers (because we aren't one!)

We stick back and let developers take the lead on building their audience, while still offering support in specific areas.

This can be good or bad, depending on the developer + studio. 5/15
Kowloon was designed from the ground up to be different and offer a true alternative to developers to the slew of publishers out there, not simply with how we let developers capture the attention, but also how projects are funded + how our deals work. 6/15
Our hope as a fund is that players not only buy the game we support, but the games each developer makes in the future -- with or without us! 7/15
To accomplish this, we have taken on a different model which includes:

- Giving creators complete control + editorial independence
- Fast decisions from our team
- 3-page contracts
- Assistance w/ platform relations + deals (this should be the minimum a publisher does). 8/15
To do this, we often need our teams to self-publish, which means this model may not be a good fit for every team, depending on their goals and previous experiences. 9/15
We also do a number of things on the business side to prioritize developers. This is rarely talked about publicly but since we are at it… 10/15
We have a variable recoup period, meaning developers earn profit from the first $ of revenue.

If the game sells anything, the studio makes money. There will always be upside.

Devs put their heart + souls into making games, and should see some of the reward immediately! 11/15
Developers put their game on platforms, so they have full control over their releases, updates, and - perhaps more importantly - all access and control over financial data/decisions.

Devs receive revenue directly from the platforms. This is huge for cash flow. 12/15
Contractually, we do not:
- ask for sequel rights
- take a % of derivatives (books, film, etc)
- take a % of soundtrack

…and NEVER take a share or ownership of your IP

In a perfect world, each game profits the studio + Kowloon, and doesn't need outside funding again. 13/15
Our success is not just measured in the performance of one game, but how we’ve helped the teams we support grow beyond the game we fund. 14/15
Have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask!

We value transparency and want to put as much knowledge in the hands of developers so they can make the best choices for their games and studios. 15/15
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