1. This is what happens when your understanding of the police comes from high school civics classes and cop shows. Let's take Chicago for example. The CPD gets $1.76 billion a year, 15% of total yearly budget allocations. With this absolutely

Moreover, ICE must be destroyed https://twitter.com/fawfulfan/status/1326555246919774208
2. ludacris sum of money we get a murder clearance rate of 40% and a clearance rate for sexual assault that's at best 20% and is probably considerably lower than that. The CPD isn't underfunded at all, it fucking chews through money. The problem

Moreover, ICE must be destroyed
3. isn't funding it's that the purpose of the police is to maintain the racial and social "order" by murdering and imprisoning Black people and propping up the government by beating the shit out of anyone who resists it. They spend the rest of

Moreover, ICE must be destroyed
4. their time running their own cartels with the drugs they seize and using their badges to shake down other dealers. Giving them more money is like saying "give slave owners more money so they'll take care of their slaves better"

Moreover, ICE must be destroyed
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