Hi @tomhunt1988 my apologies for the long thread as you may be aware the @HumanRightsCtte published their report, Black people, racism and human rights.

Rascim is a serious issues that effects your consituents , just today there is a report in the local press of racist leatlets being distributed ina part of our town, I also sadly had to speak with the police after receiving racist abuse myslef in the street
But rascim is so much more than these overt instances and @David_Chippa has highlighted some very important points the report raises
Over 60% of Black people in the UK do not believe their health is as equally protected by the NHS compared to white people. The death rate for Black women in childbirth is five times higher than for white women. The NHS regrets this disparity, but has no target to end it.
85% of Black people are not confident that they would be treated the same as a white person by police. The committee says the Government must take on the recommendations from the
+ Angiolini reviews into custody deaths and Black people in the Criminal Justice system
The Committee expects the Government to implement the recommendations from the Windrush Lessons Learned Review *as a matter of urgency*. It also says the Home Office needs a full culture change to ensure "people are treated with humanity".
The Committee's report says it is disappointed that there have been delays in payments to the Windrush Compensation Scheme. "Those affected must receive the compensation that they are entitled to without further delay."
This whole thing is pretty damning, but this bit especially - "We find that the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has been unable to adequately provide leadership and gain trust in tackling racial inequality in the protection and promotion of human rights."
The report says the UK needs a new anti-racism body - "The re-creation of a body along the lines of the CRE must now take place, along with a network of bodies at local level to fulfil a role similar to that previously performed by the race equality councils
Unsurprisingly, there's also a push for better legislation - "The Government should consider whether changes are required to equality legislation to make it more effective as a tool to enforce Black people’s human rights
The majority of Black people, 75%+, do not believe their human rights are equally protected compared to white people. The report says that this has come about from a mixture of direct and indirect experiences.
Black women are more likely to not believe their health is equally protected by the NHS (78%) than men (47%). And interestingly, Black women (91%) are also more likely to believe than Black men (77%) that they wouldn't be treated the same as a white person by the police
(btw, "black" is defined in the report as black african, black carribbean, + other groups of black people including mixed race people with black heritage. the report fully acknowledges other ethnic groups experience the effects of racism, but this report is purely black focused)
The Committee pulls out a couple of different examples of reviews and reports about racism, which they examined.

"Too often recommendations made in these reports have not been implemented and where actions have been taken, they have been superficial and not had lasting effect."
I know @tomhunt1988 you have spoken about "White Privilege" in the past , and in no way does this mean or is anyone saying white people cannot be disadvantaged or face hardship,but their lives are not made harder based on the colour of their skin
you have residents , constituents that are facing hardship and being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin and as their MP you have a part to play in helping them
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