Nottingham's Emergency Active Travel Fund cycling schemes 🚲
We've made videos showing 5 of these eye-catching schemes so far.
VIDEO THREAD below. Sound on! 1/n
2/n First up, Derby Road. A new painted lane going up the hill. Sadly no protection from the traffic (just orange paint)
3/n Next, filters to remove rat run traffic from Victoria Embankment park - yay! 😍🚲🏞️ It's really *really* nice here now - it used to be full of cars. (video on Facebook)
4/n Carlton Road. "Literally sending you round the houses". Carlton Road hasn't actually changed at all. A wiggly back street route and where is the protection? 🚲⁉️ (video on Facebook)
5/n Station Street - A new contraflow lane outside Nottingham train station. The first sign of any protected cycle lanes in our videos so far. But just partially, and just in one direction.
6/n London Road and Canal Street - Taking advantage of the amazing Broadmarsh road changes to reclaim some unused space from what used to be a major road in the city but is now much quieter 😀 Protected👍But just in one direction 😥
7/n In Nov '20, we don't know if some of these schemes are finished. The Council are still painting new orange lanes, some were painted just this week. Looks like Canal Street might be getting a lane in the other direction?
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