So I went for a breast exam this evening. My usual doctor was taken ill and a male doctor was drafted in. He was falling over himself to apologise for not phoning to warn me, and was mortified at the thought that I might be uncomfortable with a man doing the exam
He told me if I could wait until tomorrow or Friday I would be able to see a female doctor. I said (reluctantly) that I’d rather go ahead once I was there. He then said he had to have a chaperone for all intimate exams with women. Unfortunately the only option was a second man!
At this point I was past caring. But it was a very revealing experience. I learned 1. Decent men are horrified at the thought of violating women’s dignity and comfort 2. They don’t take it personally when women prefer single sex care
3. Male doctors are obliged to have chaperones present when carrying out an intimate exam on women. Female doctors don’t have to do this, and male doctors don’t have to do this when examining men.
So in the real world, people still recognise sex, and the reasons why women sometimes want and need to exclude men. It’s taken for granted that most women would prefer female doctors when they are undressed and vulnerable.
This was a relief to see, but as we know, this consideration for women is an exception to the rule now. And I thought of my son’s special school.
At this school now, staff don’t have to declare their ‘gender’ and parents of severely disabled girls are said to be discriminating against men if they request single sex care for their daughter’s intimate needs.
The contrast between common sense and consideration for women/girls and the twisted misogynist evil of gender ideology has hit me hard tonight. Hence I’m hitting the bottle hard. What I know is that any man who wants to violate women’s boundaries needs to be NOWHERE near women.
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