Story Thread: This might dox me but I figured I'd tell it since its relevant to what's going on right now. Where I live in Chicago is notorious for being corrupt politically and I got to witness it first hand.
During the last election for Alderman in my neighborhood (Aldermen are like mayors who rule over 2 or 3 neighborhoods of a city) a political science student decided to run against the Alderman who had been in place for the last decade or so and who was heavily connected with the
establishment in the city and state. The student who was running was from my neighborhood and was also Pro-Trump. Keep in mind he ran mainly as an experiment and to get his feet wet. It was never really expected that was going to win. He got smeared immediately as a racist
and that he abused his girlfriend or something to that extent. So out of the blue late in the evening one night workers from the Alderman's office came to my house asking for signatures to protect against "signature forgery". Turns out there was a bunch of people who had signed
unknowingly signed a form to remove their signatures from a petition to have this political science student to run for office. Problem was that there was more people who had signed to remove their signature than there was people who had signed the petition in the first place.
This came out in the local press and as far as I know nobody went to jail for it. If they're willing to pull this stuff on a college student who never posed a real threat to them they'll do it to Trump without a doubt.
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